Being healthy is often seen as a painstaking venture. Whether it's a new years resolution or a goal that you have had for years but cannot seem to get started. These 3 tips are for you.

#1: Stay Active as Much As Possible
Many of us are working office jobs from 9-5 which makes this very important bit difficult. The good news is that there are easy ways to incorporate some activity in between our busy schedules.
a) Park your car as far away from the entrance as possible.
b) Take the stairs.
c) Stand up every 30 minutes to stretch and maybe even sneak in a 1 minute walk around your floor.
d) Invest in a stress ball and squeeze it occasionally to get some movement in your hands and forearms.
#2: Eat Clean
The phrase "clean eating" has become very popular in the last couple of years.
It’s an eating pattern that focuses on fresh, whole foods. Clean eating involves choosing foods that are minimally processed, ethically raised, and rich in naturally occurring nutrients.
This lifestyle can be easy and enjoyable as long as you follow a few general guidelines.
Here are 5 simple tips to start eating clean.
Water is incredibly healthy and should be your main beverage when following a clean eating lifestyle. Unsweetened coffee and tea are also good choices and provide several health benefits, but people who are sensitive to caffeine may need to moderate their intake.
Eat more fruit and vegetables. Vegetables and fruits should form the basis of a clean eating lifestyle. These whole foods require little preparation and provide many health benefits.
Limit processed foods. Processed foods conflict with clean eating principles due to their preservatives and lack of nutrients.
Avoid added sugar at all costs. Sugar is highly processed and linked to several health problems. If you’re trying to eat clean, use small amounts of natural sweeteners occasionally or avoid sugar altogether.
Avoid packaged snack foods. Instead of packaged snack foods made from refined grains, choose nutrient-dense whole foods like nuts, fruits, and vegetables.
#3: Monitor Your Health Regularly
It is very important to monitor your health often, and to make sure that you are keeping track of your health trends.
There are many ways to do this with technology. From wearables to body composition scales, here are some important health metrics to keep track of:
1. Blood Pressure. If the top number is over 120 and the bottom number is higher than 80, wait a day, then check it again. If it’s still high, follow up with your doctor.
2. Body Fat. There are different healthy ranges for men and women. Depending on the method and device used, the healthy ranges may also vary. Make sure to use the same body fat device (if it's good quality and reliable) all the time to track your trend.
3. Cholesterol. If your total cholesterol is over 150 mg/dl, follow up with your doctor.
4. Glucose. The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and American College of Endocrinology recommends you keep fasting and premeal glucose values at 80-130 and post-prandial <180. And that you keep two-hour post-meal values under 140 mg/dL.
However, these are general guidelines and are not for everyone. Ask your doctor about your target levels.